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Jimmy Stewart on Larry King in 1996

Well, the other day, Larry King's last program aired on CNN. His talk-show had been on CNN for 25 years. He had on many world leaders, news makers, and entertainment celebrities.

I remember Jimmy Stewart was on in the summer of 1996. I don't remember the date or month. But I know it was in 1996. This may have been Jimmy's final interview, and Larry King took some calls. I never saw the episode, but I heard clips of it on a local Chicago radio program the next day.

I'm not sure if it was a full hour interview or just a half hour. I didn't have cable or CNN so I would not have seen it anyway.

This was in the days before You Tube and digital recording, so it has been hard to find this episode on You Tube.

The local Chicago radio host was playing clips of the program because a prank caller called in at least two times during Jimmy's appearance, which really made me mad (and still does).

Larry King took some callers and a young prankster (probably a college frat boy 19 years old) was let on the air and asked, "Jimmy, you're so old, do you think you will ever die?". Then Larry King said, "I didn't hear that" and quickly moved on to the next caller. It was a really sick thing to do to a legend.

To make matters worse, the radio host was even laughing hysterically at the prank, too. I didn't like him for doing that because I love Jimmy Stewart so much.

That's my memory of Jimmy when he was on Larry King in 1996. Does anyone else remember this??

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